Use this worksheet to help set achievable goals and keep track of your progress.

1. Setting goals

<aside> 🧠 You may want to use the SMART acronym for goal-setting. It stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant or realistic and time-bound.


What are you aiming to achieve?

Be as specific as possible. Describe what it looks like once successful.

Examples: form a daily drawing habit (instead of "draw more") or be able to draw birds realistically (instead of "get better at drawing birds")

When should this be completed?

By the end of the month or year, or a certain date?

Keep in mind

2. Creating checkpoints

<aside> 🪜 Next break the goal down into smaller steps that each showcase a stage of progress.


First checkpoint

What is the first task or step? This could be gathering resources or information, or setting a schedule for when you will work towards your goal on a regular basis.
